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World: Ireland to erect monument to mass murderer Che – by Fausta Wertz

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No worse insult to Che Guevara’s forgotten victims: The Galway Advertiser reports that “A major and innovative monument to the Irish-Argentinean revolutionary, guerilla, doctor, writer, and politician Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara, has taken a step closer to becoming a reality this week.

“The Galway Advertiser understands that City Hall’s arts officer James Harrold will commission a scale model of the proposed monument to be made. This will then be presented to the Galway City Council’s Working Group on Public Arts for consideration, and later city manager Joe O’Neill for final approval. The approval of city councillors may also need to be sought.

The idea to erect a monument to Che Guevara comes from a proposal made by Labour councillor Billy Cameron, an ardent admirer of the revolutionary, that a monument be erected in Galway and that the project be undertaken in conjunction with the Cuban and Argentinean embassies to Ireland.

The proposed monument has been designed by Simon McGuinness and it is understood that it will feature the iconic image of Che created by the Irish artist Jim Fitzpatrick, commonly seen on posters and T-shirts.

Both men were in Galway recently to inspect proposed sites for the location of the Che monument. While no definite site has been chosen it is likely that the Salthill Promenade, possibly around the area of the Atlantaquaria, will be its location.”

There should be no room in a beautiful city like Galway, in a free country like Ireland, to honor a mass murdering sociopathic racist Communist whose aim in life was to destroy the very freedoms and rights the Irish have struggled so hard to attain throughout their history. To build this monument, with the aim of making it a tourist attraction, is an insult to the very ideals of the Irish nation and the city of Galway.

Since no definite site has been chosen, it’s still time to stop it.

Here is the Galway City website. You can contact Billy Cameron at bcameron@eircom.net. Please make sure to be polite and civil when you contact them.

Source: Fausta’s Blog

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2 comments for “World: Ireland to erect monument to mass murderer Che – by Fausta Wertz”

  1. […] up on the proposed monument to Che Guevara in Galway, Irish businessman fights plan for monument to mass […]

    Posted by Fausta's Blog » Blog Archive » Irish businessman @declanganley fights plan for monument to mass murderer Che Guevara | February 29, 2012, 1:37 pm
  2. […] up on the proposed monument to Che Guevara in Galway, Irish businessman fights plan for monument to mass […]

    Posted by Irish businessman @declanganley fights plan for monument to mass murderer Che Guevara UPDATED | FavStocks | March 1, 2012, 2:21 am

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