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United States

This category contains 261 posts

US: …And Latin America As Well – Investor’s Business Daily

With allies such as Honduras flatly condemned, and Colombia being left to defend itself over its ties with our military, the United States is squandering its influence in Latin America.

Ecuador: Chevron’s Shakedown – Investor’s Business Daily

The Law: If there’s any doubt Ecuador’s $26 billion lawsuit against Chevron is nothing but a scam to shake down Big Oil, check out a new video of Ecuadorean operatives who prove how justice works in that country.

Venezuela: Not all that formidable – by John R. Thomson

Hugo Chavez has been beating the war-scare drums since the June removal from office of Honduran President Manuel Zelaya. His claims to sense the winds of war sweeping Latin America are clearly designed to boost his steadily eroding base among Venezuelans.

US: Obama vs. Honduran Democracy – by Mary O’Grady

The Obama administration is using its brass knuckles to support Latin American thugs. Last week the administration took off the gloves and sent a message that it would use everything it has to break the neck of the Honduran democracy. Its bullying might work. But it will never be able to brag about what it has done.

Estados Unidos cancela servicio de visas para Honduras – El Patriota

El departamento de Estado anunció el pasado martes que ya no habrá visas a turistas y de negocios para hondureños, engrosando asi la lista de medidas de presión para el gobierno de Roberto Micheletti.

US: Bill Richardson y sus “curiosas” reuniones en Cuba – Noticias24.com

El gobernador de Nuevo México (EE.UU.), el demócrata Bill Richardson, se entrevistó hoy con uno de los viceministros cubanos de Relaciones Exteriores, Dagoberto Rodríguez, en su cuarto día de visita a La Habana al frente de una curiosa misión comercial.

US: Advantage, Mr. Chávez – Washington Post

The Obama administration is far away from mounting effective Latin American diplomacy. For the Venezuelan caudillo, it’s too easy to put the Obama administration on the defensive.

US: Tribute to Rose Friedman – by Alejandro Chafuen

Rose Friedman passed away August 18, 2009. I met many times with Milton Friedman, her husband and co-author of many books, I do not recall ever seeing Milton alone. Rose was always at his side.

Colombia: The Will To Win – Investor’s Business Daily

Colombian Leadership: Gen. Ulysses Grant won our Civil War by doggedly pursuing the enemy even after winning battles. That’s occurring in Colombia, where President Uribe is stepping up an already impressive war effort.

US: Columbia’s Cabot Prize honors Cuban blogger Yoani Sanchez – L.A. Times

Cuban blogger Yoani Sanchez has won Columbia University’s Cabot Prize for her postings from the island she calls home. The Cabot Prize, which recognizes reporting on Latin America and the Caribbean, gave Sanchez the gold medal for her work on her blog, Generación Y.

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