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United States

This category contains 261 posts

Argentina: Victimas de lo que provocan – por Joaquín Morales Solá

Valenzuela es sólo el último caso de una rara política kirchnerista: el exterior no tiene derecho a opinar sobre la situación argentina, aunque los argentinos tienen derecho a opinar hasta del color de la corbata de los líderes extranjeros. Esa política ya barrió de Buenos Aires a destacados embajadores extranjeros y, sobre todo, dilapidó la eventual simpatía hacia la Argentina de los países más importantes del mundo.

US-Cuba: Interview with Barack Obama – by Yoani Sanchez

Cuban blogger Yoani Sanchez asks President Obama seven key questions on the American policy towards Cuba.

US: America’s Enduring Exceptionalism – by Israel Ortega

In any given year, countless men, women and even children die in the hot, arid U.S.-Mexico border region while trying to sneak into this country. What drives so many to risk their lives just for the chance to live in this country?

US: Win Over Washington One Nuke At A Time (a memo to Honduras) – by Claudia Rosett

President Micheletti: We appreciate your predicament as a pariah of the international community, and suggest that you focus on achieving acceptance in Washington, on the presumption that if President Barack Obama engages, good things will follow.

US: Taxes, Depression, and Our Current Troubles – by Arthur B. Laffer

My hope is that the people who are running our economy do look to the Great Depression as an object lesson. My fear is that they will misinterpret the evidence and attribute high unemployment and the initial decline in prices to tight money, while increasing taxes to combat budget deficits.

Venezuela’s Central Bank Reserves Boosted By IMF Infusion – by Darcy Crowe

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez received an economic lifeline from the International Monetary Fund, a global financial institution that he usually demonizes as a capitalist weapon at the service of the United States.

US: Rep. Bill Delahunt Arrogantly Insults Latin Americans – Capitol Hill Cubans

Yesterday, U.S. Rep Bill Delahunt (D-MA) and Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) debated U.S. policy towards Honduras in PBS. During the debate, Delahunt referred to Latin American countries as “banana republics”, a pejorative term used to stereotypically refer to the post-colonial, undeveloped, agricultural based economies of Latin America, with corrupt cliques, and uneducated and subservient populations.

Honduran Headache – Investor’s Business Daily

The U.S. hit Honduras with harsh new sanctions last Thursday, slashing $30 million in aid. Nothing new, but the timing’s strange, given that the rest of the world is starting to normalize ties with the tiny state.

Colombia: Uribe 1, Unasur 0 – Critica Digital

Tras más de siete horas de debate, centrado sobre todo en acusaciones cruzadas entre Uribe, Chávez, Correa y el brasileño Lula Da Silva, la cumbre de Bariloche terminó con un documento consensuado pero que no resolvió el tema central que había reunido a los presidentes: la instalación de bases norteamericanas en Colombia.

Colombia y las siete bases de la discordia – por Carlos Alberto Montaner

El presidente Álvaro Uribe y el Departamento de Estado norteamericano anunciaron la utilización conjunta de siete bases militares colombianas. Inmediatamente, Hugo Chávez, Fidel Castro, Rafael Correa, Evo Morales y Daniel Ortega comenzaron a chillar. Que Uribe era un traidor y la presencia militar norteamericana una amenaza para el Continente.

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