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United States

This category contains 261 posts

US: Connie Mack to Juan Manuel Santos: “Cubans Deserve Democracy” – Capitol Hill Cubans

Connie Mack, Chairman of the House Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere and lead of the bipartisan Congressional delegation to the Summit of the Americas, reacts to comments by Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos during the summit on Cuba’s participation at future hemispheric meetings.

North American Summit: Just how bad was it? – by Fausta Wertz

The North American summit that the US media ignored was a disaster that the foreign media reported: IBD explained how “Obama Alienates Canada And Mexico At Three Amigos”.

EEUU: Ros-Lehtinen declara: “La administración Obama debería irse del Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU” – CMHW Radio

La administración Obama debería irse del Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU, dijo el jueves la presidenta del Comité de Relaciones Exteriores de la Cámara de Representantes de EE. UU., Ileana Ros-Letinen, luego que el organismo adoptó una nueva tanda de resoluciones críticas hacia Israel.

EEUU: Consolidando el futuro de Puerto Rico – por Alejandro Chafuen

¿Cómo puede la sociedad civil de Puerto Rico ayudar a consolidar un rumbo de política económica hacia la libertad y el progreso?

EEUU: Congresista Ros-Lehtinen considera que invitar a Cuba a Cumbre de las Américas hubiera sido un insulto – Diario Crítico

La legisladora estadounidense Republicana Ileana Ros-Lehtinen consideró que haber invitado a Cuba a la Cumbre de las Américas del próximo abril “hubiera sido un insulto” a la democracia, la libertad y los derechos humanos.

U.S. Voters See Iran as Threat to America – Poll – TIP

Around three quarters of U.S. voters view Iran and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad negatively while 87 percent see the Islamic Republic’s illegal nuclear weapons program as a threat to the United States according to a new poll released on Thursday. 55% say the nuclear program of Iran is contrary to four United Nations resolutions, represents a “very big threat.” Voters also overwhelmingly see Iran itself as a threat to Israel (88%), the Iranian people (79%), the United States (79%), other Arab countries in the Middle East (78%), and Europe (76%).

US: What can we do to help Alan Gross? – by Ralph Grunewald

Dec. 3 marked the second anniversary of the arrest of my friend, Alan Gross, a USAID subcontractor hired to connect Cuba’s Jewish community to the Internet. Detained at the Havana airport on his way home, Alan was tried and sentenced in March 2011 to a 15-year sentence for violating laws forbidding the distribution of electronics and satellite telephone equipment, which are tightly controlled in that nation. His appeal was denied in August.

US: Proposal for Che Guevara Monument in Ireland Should Be Rejected, Says Ros-Lehtinen – US House Committee on Foreign Affairs

U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, released the following statement today urging the City Council of Galway, Ireland to reject a proposal to erect a monument in honor of Che Guevara:

EEUU: Senador Marco Rubio advierte: los países latinos cercanos a Irán “están jugando con fuego” – Noticias24

Los países latinoamericanos que se asocian con Irán están “jugando con fuego”, porque esa relación puede tener consecuencias impredecibles, advirtió este jueves el congresista republicano Marco Rubio, en una audiencia en el Senado estadounidense.

US: Growing risk posed by Iran-Venezuela axis – by Sen. Richard Lugar

The growing and deepening alliance between the mullahs of Iran and the America-bashing leader of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, poses a serious threat to U.S. national interests, but the Obama administration has been behind the curve in appraising these risks and forging effective policies to counter them.

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