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Book Reviews

Book Review: “The 4% Solution: Unleashing the Economic Growth America Needs” – George W. Bush Institute

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On July 17th, the George W. Bush Institute released its first book addressing our nation’s most critical issue: the economy. The 4% Solution: Unleashing the Economic Growth America Needs, written by the nation’s brightest economic minds, is a blueprint for 4% GDP growth and offers new and innovative ideas on how to restart America’s economic engines.

The 4% Solution includes a foreword by President George W. Bush and introduction by James K. Glassman, the Institute’s executive director. Edited by Brendan Miniter, the Institute’s editorial director, The 4% Solution features chapters from five Nobel laureates and other leading thinkers, and covers spending, taxes, entitlement reform, the housing crisis, and other pressing issues being debated in Washington and across the country.

The 4% Solution addresses U.S. urgent problems drawing on the best minds in economics including former Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez and five Nobel Laureates:-

* Robert E. Lucas Jr. on the history and future of economic growth

* Gary S. Becker on why we need immigrants in order to grow

* Edward C. Prescott on the cost (to growth) of the welfare state

* Vernon L. Smith on why housing leads us into and out of recessions

* Myron Scholes on why we need to innovate in order to grow the economy.

Complete list of contributors:
– George W. Bush (Foreword)
– James K. Glassman (Introduction)
– Chapter 1: Brendan Miniter — Why We Grow
– Chapter 2: W. Michael Cox & Richard Alm — Incentives
– Chapter 3: Robert E. Lucas Jr. — The History and Future of Economic Growth
– Chapter 4: Edward C. Prescott — The Cost of the Welfare State
– Chapter 5: Vernon L. Smith & Steven Gjerstad — At Home in the Great Recession
– Chapter 6: Kevin Hassett — Spending, Taxes, and Certainty: A Road Map to 4%
– Chapter 7: David Malpass — Sound Money, Sound Policy
– Chapter 8: Myron Scholes — Not All Growth Is Good
– Chapter 9: Peter G. Klein — Entrepreneurs and Creative Destruction
– Chapter 10: Robert Litan — Baseball’s Answer to Growth
– Chapter 11: Nick Schulz — The Role of Intangibles
– Chapter 12: Maria Minniti — The Virtuous Cycle
– Chapter 13: Carlos Gutierrez — Growth Needs Trade
– Chapter 14: Steven F. Hayward & Kenneth P. Green — Market-Friendly Energy
– Chapter 15: Charles Blahous & Jason J. Fichtner — Social Security Reform and Economic Growth
– Chapter 16: Eric A. Hanushek — Education Quality and Economic Growth
– Chapter 17: Gary S. Becker — When Illegals Stop Crossing the Border
– Chapter 18: Pia M. Orrenius & Madeline Zavodny — Immigration and Growth
– Chapter 19: Floyd Kvamme — How Technology Can Lead a Boom
– Chapter 20: Amity Shlaes — Growth Lessons from Calvin Coolidge
– Chapter 21: Michael Novak — The Moral Imperative to a Free Economy
You can order the book at Amazon.com.

Source: George W. Bush Institute


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One comment for “Book Review: “The 4% Solution: Unleashing the Economic Growth America Needs” – George W. Bush Institute”

  1. […] [2], Hispanic American Center for Economic Research, August 15, […]

    Posted by George W Bush Library Lovefest and I | elcidharth | April 25, 2013, 3:52 pm

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